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Description Launch assets (fighters, bombers and torpedoes) are important elements in games of Dropfleet Commander - both for protecting your ships and annihilating your opponents! These greatly add to the look and feel of your fleet, enhancing the gaming experience...

Description Time and again combined arms have been a winning formula on the battlefield. UCM strategists embrace such tactics, and as the Reconquest continues, this mixing of squads provides the most flexible and effective way forward. The UCM AA team...

Description The Colonial Legionnaire Corps commonly makes use of infantry-portable support weapon teams alongside deployments of regular troops. Every Legionnaire is trained to use these weapons, and many secretly hope for a rotation to support duty where they can rain...



Description The leopard continues the Shaltari combined arms strategy first seen in the Jaguar. Instead of anti-tank and anti-air capability, this construct sports close support weaponry similar to that seen on a Dreamsnare or Firedrake, but with a concentrated Anti-vehicle...

Description Luciana Cato began her military service with the UCMF as a Fighter Command ensign aboard the Strike Carrier Richthofen. Aboard the Richthofen, Cato quickly advanced through the ranks and became notorious for her fiery temper, rebellious streak and brilliance...

Description The Longbow is a one-man crewed, multi-role artillery unit, built around a rotating self-loading ammunition chamber, in much the same manner as a revolver of old Earth. On the Longbow, this can be rotated to select one of three...

Description Underground fortifications have been a cornerstone of defensive strategy for many centuries. On the war-torn Cradle Worlds and the United Colonies they are extremely common, especially in densely developed or militarised urban areas. Often, only a few entrances betray...

M20 Zhukov


Description The M20 Zhukov is based on the M9 Hannibal hull and shares its renowned resilience as well as its weaknesses. However, the Zhukov takes the complexity and expense of the M9 to a whole new level. It was only...

M3 Alexander


Description Few would contest the legend of this vehicle’s namesake, while even less would doubt that this is one of the most formidable battle tanks ever produced by mankind. Virtually every statistic of the M3 is off the charts –...

M9 Hannibal


Description The M9 Hannibal had been the main battle tank of the prewar armies of humanity for over a quarter of a century before the Scourge invasion. It features a crew of three, exceptional toughness and multiple redundant systems, allowing...

Description The Marauder is a lighter version of the Despoiler, and is generally employed at the spearhead of landing forces, getting heavy armour to the front ahead of the main force. It is also often used to deliver smaller, specialised...

Description The name of Marcus Barros is already, justly, infamous among the UCM high command. His recorded battles have epitomised classic PHR military tactics and already serves as textbook examples for instruction to all officers, both on active duty and...