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Description The Archangel is a thoroughbred air-to-air interceptor, designed solely for air superiority missions. It is a small aircraft, built around a pair of conventional ‘Retribution’ 40mm cannons, leading to the moniker ‘The Last Gunfighter’. These are devastating at close...

AT-77 Lifthawk


Description The AT-77 Lifthawk was the most ubiquitous aerial transport vehicle of the pre-war years and many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular and robust VTOL design has made it possible to operate this workhorse from almost...

Description The Athena is a formidably armed, multi-role heavy fighter. Powerful and well armoured, a single Athena can be more than a match for several lesser interceptors in the hands of a skilled pilot. Its primary mission profile is air...

Description The Birdeater is an anti-air variant of the Tarantula, armed with the familiar and lethal twin ion-cannon. It often employs its climbing abilities to gain a commanding view of the battlefield - a highly useful ability for an anti-air...

Description The Corsair is a small, agile interceptor craft armed with a single, powerful plasma canon. Unusually for a fighter, this features a very low rate of fire. However, an impact from this anti tank weapon is almost always fatal...

Falcon B


Description The Falcon B is a new light gunship variant that builds on the stalwart Falcon chassis. UCM commanders in field – especially those operating in beachhead/first wave situations – have requested more air-to-air cover to support Phoenix command gunships...

Gun Technical


Description After almost two centuries of occupation, the Resistance have become highly adept at repairing, modifying and armouring antique vehicles. Car sized weaponised versions are known as ‘technicals’ and are a common sight whenever the Resistance take to the field...

Gun Wagon


Description Gun wagons are usually armed with conventional rapid fire cannons mounted for the anti-air role which offer reasonable rate of fire, acceptable range and excellent reliability. Such weapons are plentiful to most Resistance groups as there are usually more...

Description The Helios is a high speed attack unit, designed primarily to hunt down enemy aircraft. While somewhat less manoeuvrable than the true skimmers employed by the Shaltari and the Scourge, it can still use its speed to great effect...

J19 Hellhog


Description The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for the ground attack role. It is one of the only fighters operated by the Resistance as its VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) capabilities have allowed it...

Description The Jaguar is perhaps the most iconic, and certainly the most distinctive of all Shaltari vehicles. It is a towering yet graceful tripod walker over 30 feet in height, bristling with advanced weaponry. Being armed with a pair of...

Description The Janus is much smaller and lighter than Battle Walkers. Its primary mission profiles are forward observation, recognisance and urban patrol. While much less resilient than its larger cousins, it is considerably faster and far more nimble. The Janus...