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Description Warriors are the frontline foot soldiers of the Scourge - unfortunate puppets who must endure a lifetime of neuro-suppression and vice like control as a Scourge host. As the Scourge ages, it's grip starts to slip, revealing the mind...

Description The Warspear is a formidably equiped, multi-role heavy fighter. Its primary armament is a pair of heavy ion cannons, giving it awesome air-to-air destructive power. Very few aircraft can withstand a volley from these devastating weapons. It is an...

Description The Wolverine light armoured vehicle is an agile, cross-country scout unit. It is designed for reconnaissance and flanking operations, where its high speed and low signature can be best utilised. It is also a favourite in urban operations, where...

Description The Yari is the Shaltari's lightest and fastest ground unit. Indeed, it's moves at such a pace that it can compete with some aircraft! The use of advanced comms in addition to this blistering speed makes the Yari an...

Description The Zeus Class is optimised for the command role and features the latest battlefield communications array. It is also equipped with the experimental 'Aegis' energy shield, the only example of such advanced technology to see service with any human...