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Description This 2 Player Starter Set is designed to be a great introductory box to the game Dropzone Commander. This complete wargaming starter set contains two sizable starter forces, the full sized 1.1 DZC Core Rulebook, plenty of accessories as...

Description It is the year 2672, a time of war on a galactic scale. The mighty battlefleets of the United Colonies of Mankind are ranged against those of the alien Scourge, vile overlords of humanity's once great homelands – the...

Description The Albatross is the primary mass orbital insertion craft of the UCM. It has been designed solely to drop the largest number of vehicles to the battlefield with the maximum of efficiency. As such, it eschews heavy armour in...

Description The Archangel is a thoroughbred air-to-air interceptor, designed solely for air superiority missions. It is a small aircraft, built around a pair of conventional ‘Retribution’ 40mm cannons, leading to the moniker ‘The Last Gunfighter’. These are devastating at close...

Bear APCs


Description The eight-wheeled Bear armoured personnel carrier is the premier transport for UCM mechanised infantry. Its armoured hide provides protection for up to 15 Colonial Legionnaires and gives them a faster time-to-target speed. A pair of these behemoths has enough...

Description The Colonial Legions make up the majority of the UCMA’s vast manpower and almost all of its fighting soldiers. The average Colonial Legionnaire is reasonably well trained and equipped with basic but well proven kit. These brave men and...

Description A lighter, faster cousin to the Albatross, the Condor is typically employed for spearhead operations. With a smaller transport capacity, it also finds extensive use with specialised sections that do not typically take to the battlefield in vast numbers....

Description A great way to start your United Colonies of Mankind army. This boxed set contains essential units to begin your UCM force. The UCM Starter set, also offers an easy and cost effective way to add additional core units to an existing force,...



Description Like its sister unit the Longbow, the Crossbow was designed as a light artillery piece – ready to be deployed at a moment’s notice to support armoured attacks and insertions. However the Crossbow has a much more specific focus,...

Description The Eagle is essentially a weaponised variant of the condor which scarifies its transport capacity in favour of devastating firepower. The Eagle packs a pair of heavy railguns as well as two independently targeting multi-rocket pods. This allows the...

Falcon B


Description The Falcon B is a new light gunship variant that builds on the stalwart Falcon chassis. UCM commanders in field – especially those operating in beachhead/first wave situations – have requested more air-to-air cover to support Phoenix command gunships...

Falcon Gunships


Description The Falcon is light ground attack craft, designed for close air support missions. Built around the Raven dropship chassis, the Falcon is able to loiter over the combat zone, presenting a constant threat to enemy ground units. It shares...