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Description Cavebreaker first came to the attention of the Resistance as an individual human host Scourge in apparent command of one of the few deep cave raiding parties to reach the depths where resistance fighters were based. He was notable...

Description The Coyote is the premier mount for Shaltari Warchiefs, officers and heroes. Sharing many characteristics of its cousin the Jaguar, the Coyote foregoes the former's anti-air capability in favour of a command module. This gives the commander excellent visibility...



Description The sinister Desolator is perhaps the most feared of all Scourge engines of destruction, although it is thankfully a rare sight. Its distinctive floating silhouette is mainly derived from its colossal weapons system, the frankly shocking Ion Storm Generator....

Eden's Dinosaur


Description The very existence of this individual has brought into question much of what the UCM thought they knew about Scourge biology. At the time of their invasion, most hosts were the so called 'Lizard Warriors', which were in the...

Description General Wade is one of the rare breed of UCMA officers with decades worth of real, frontline experience. His experience and leadership style makes General Wade a formidable asset to the UCMA whenever precision strikes are preferred to massed...

Description Speed and power have always been the watchwords of the Shaltari tribes. The Gharial embraces both ideals in one command package, taking the fight to the enemy, dealing maximum damage and then relocating to sow more destruction elsewhere. Based...

Description Gunnarr gained the moniker 'The Ferryman' by age 19, simply because he had already (and personally) sent a great many rivals to the next world. He is a true psychopath and lives only or violence, blood and death.After over...

Description Jessie Adams is a somewhat unorthodox figure for a military leader. Diminutive in stature and approaching 60, her quiet demeanour hides the mind of a brilliant guerrilla fighter and leader of her people. She commands a group of Resistance...

Description Although almost all PHR citizens are mysterious characters to the UCM, in the case of Jocasta Caine, a small amount of information is known. Most information gleaned about her past came from a single conversation between a UCM ambassador's...

Description Karl Foley is possibly the most famous Resistance fighter on all of Eden Prime and certainly the UCM's staunchest ally there. His actions several years ago during his legendary 'Great Gambit' raid were instrumental in bringing the Reconquest to...

Kodiak ACV


Description The Kodiak armoured command vehicle is an extensively modified version of the Bear which foregoes transport capacity in favour of a battlefield command centre. This provides a mobile base from which a UCM commander and staff can direct frontline...

Description Luciana Cato began her military service with the UCMF as a Fighter Command ensign aboard the Strike Carrier Richthofen. Aboard the Richthofen, Cato quickly advanced through the ranks and became notorious for her fiery temper, rebellious streak and brilliance...