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Get your preferred 2 Plastic Core starter Armies, along with the Ruinscape, and the 1.1 Rulebook in this Christmas special price of only £100! In the notes section of your order process, please let us know which 2 of the following you...

Description This 2 Player Starter Set is designed to be a great introductory box to the game Dropzone Commander. This complete wargaming starter set contains two sizable starter forces, the full sized 1.1 DZC Core Rulebook, plenty of accessories as...

Description It is the year 2672, a time of war on a galactic scale. The mighty battlefleets of the United Colonies of Mankind are ranged against those of the alien Scourge, vile overlords of humanity's once great homelands – the...

Description This imposing model is the first kit in the Hawk Wargames Collector's Edition range. It is a complete 3x scale up and re-working of the original 10mm scale Ares Battle Walker (check out the gallery for this product, as it illustrates...

The Hawk Widget is a simple yet elegant solution to the problem of moving your aerial models around safely and securely. Simply glue the widget to the underside of the model and it will provide a high grip push-in plug...

Description Full set of laser cut clear acrylic templates for Dropzone Commander. These function as both Blast and LZ (Landing Zone) templates. Contents Set contains:1 x Large Template (4" diameter)1 x Medium Template (3" diameter)1 x Small Template (2" diameter)...

Description Activation cards are an essential component of Dropfleet Commander, as they determine the order of play during each game turn as well as defining a fleet's battlegroups. They are a universal design for all races in the game. This...

Description The Aegis ODL is a formidable N-4 class laser weapon, designed for static defence against enemy assets deployed from orbit or high atmosphere. While it can make an impact against smaller starships, its primary role is to strike at...

Description The Aether is a highly advanced jetskimmer type unit based on the standard Helios chassis. While the Helios is aggressive and flexible, the Aether is best used carefully and from a concealed position, where its indirect fire capability can...

AH-16 Cyclone


Description The AH-16 Cyclone is a dedicated attack helicopter, designed solely for dealing swift annihilation to ground targets. It is extremely large compared to its modern UCM equivalent, the Falcon Gunship, and requires a crew of two to operate. Such...

Description The Albatross is the primary mass orbital insertion craft of the UCM. It has been designed solely to drop the largest number of vehicles to the battlefield with the maximum of efficiency. As such, it eschews heavy armour in...

Description As the PHR become more embroiled in outright conflict on the Cradle Worlds, more intelligence is being gathered about their war engines and constructs. Given their frightening efficiency and hit and run tactics, it has taken this long for...