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Description The Harbinger is large dropship which features heavier armour than the more common Marauder type and is designed primarily for frontal assaults against hardened targets. It is generally employed in situations where nothing but a brutal charge across open...

Description The Haven utilises the same Gate technology featured in Shaltari dropship equivalents, but on the frame of a ground vehicle. As such, the Haven roughly equates to the APC's used by other races. Like its airborne cousin the Spirit,...

Description The Hawk Widget is a simple yet elegant solution to the problem of moving your aerial models around safely and securely. Simply glue the widget to the underside of the model and it will provide a high grip push-in...

Description Heavy Hazard Suits were developed for working in extreme conditions on frontier worlds and on the outside hulls of ships. Since 2653, many Heavy Hazard Suits have been used as pickets in areas where hostile aliens and fauna are...

Description The Helios is a high speed attack unit, designed primarily to hunt down enemy aircraft. While somewhat less manoeuvrable than the true skimmers employed by the Shaltari and the Scourge, it can still use its speed to great effect...

Description The Hunter is a formidable frontline armoured unit, the Scourge's closest equivalent to a main battle tank. Unlike its more primitive counterparts, the Hunter employs an advanced Anti-Grav repulsion drive to float several feet above the battlefield. This allows...

Description This Type-2 variant is equipped with the lethal RX-1000 'Sunspear' battlefield laser. It can destroy enemy armour from beyond the effective range of return fire, allowing it to operate with virtual impunity. Type 2 battle walkers are considerably heavier...

Description Longreach teams are also consummate anti-personnel snipers whenever called to the task, where their high powered weapons represent total overkill against the heaviest infantry armour. They are also equipped with adaptive camouflage cloaks, giving them a measure of concealment...



Description The Immortals are the frontline infantry of the PHR. The combination of prosthetic upgrades and punishing training makes them frighteningly dangerous opponents on the battlefield. A whole series of military-grade artificial enhancements are mandatory for soldiers of the Republic,...

Description The Intruder is the smallest and fastest of all Scourge dropships and is designed to ferry a range of lighter cargo to the battlefield. It is armed with the same deadly plasma hose as the Marauder, making a large...

Description The Intruder is the smallest and fastest of all Scourge dropships and is designed to ferry a range of lighter cargo to the battlefield. It is armed with the same deadly plasma hose as the Marauder, making a large...

Invader APC's


Description The Invader is the Scourge's primary armoured personnel carrier, and a common sight amidst Scourge armies. Its approach is greatly feared however, as it invariably precludes the assault of sinister Scourge infantry units. Its large front assault ramp allows...