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MT-90 Jackson


Description The Jackson was one of the most numerous vehicles in service with the pre-war armies of mankind, and despite the appalling losses during the Scourge invasion it remains relatively plentiful today. It was primarily designed as an armoured troop...

Description This PHR command unit has been seen only fleetingly in previous battles. Confirmation of this command vehicle’s very existence has been hard to verify given the lack of solid evidence and very few first-hand accounts as there so few...

Description The Neptune class is the primary tactical orbital insertion dropship of the PHR. With the ability to carry most PHR armoured units and to fulfil a wide range of needs, its flexibility is unmatched by its larger cousin, the...

Description The Njord is a frontline heavy dropship, an aggressive transport created for the express purpose of creating a beachhead position and securing it. It lacks the capacity of the Poseidon – carrying a reduced complement of 4 rather than...

NT-1 Kraken


Description The NT-1 Kraken was one of the most common military surface assault transports in use before the Scourge invasion. It is an amphibious air-cushion conventional hovercraft able to attack from both land and sea. It is considerably more capable...

NT-4 Leviathan


Description The NT-4 Leviathan shares many of the characteristic qualities of its much smaller cousin the NT-1 Kraken. It is an air-cushion hovercraft type vehicle designed for amphibious surface assaults, although it is capable of full land based attacks due...

Description The NT-4 Leviathan earns its name is sheer scale, but the command variant – the NT – 5 Thunderstorm Custom – is a step further. Its huge fusion generators are massively over-sized given modern technological advances, yet no less...

Description Even among the toughened fighters of the Resistance, there are battle hardened individuals who have survived the crucible of combat and beaten the odds time and time again. These elite warriors are provided with the best kit available regardless...

Description The Ocelot shares the hull of the Jaguar Warststrider, and stands at an equally imposing height, sharing many of its characteristics. However, the Ocelot foregoes the Jaguar's flexibility to mount a single, devastating weapon - the Particle Cannon. The...

Description The Odin Class is the most common Type-2 variant encountered by UCM forces. It mounts a pair of RX-1 railguns, making it lethal against all hardened targets. Its superior armour makes it a deadly adversary in protracted firefights. Type...



Description As the UCM pushes deeper into Scourge controlled territory they are encountering new and even more menacing enemy constructs, most recently the horrifying Oppressor. Clearly a command unit of some kind, the Oppressor is a far more resilient, albeit...



Description The Overseer works in concert with other Scourge forces much more than the Desolator, which seeds wanton destruction everywhere. Instead, it increases the destructive capability and plasma energy of nearby units, creating a more insidious threat. Bizarrely different from...