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Attack ATVs


Description Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards...



Description Berserkers are a ragtag collection of the most crazed, psychotic, homicidal maniacs present in the armies of the most savage of Resistance warlords. Often, they go to war in a drug crazed red haze, intent on nothing but the...



Description Shaltari infantry (UCM designation - 'Braves') are formidable opponents. Shaltari counteract their rather diminutive stature by taking to the battlefield in lithe, armoured exoskeletons over eight feet in height known as Warsuits. Their amazing agility is often quite disquieting...

Description The Colonial Legions make up the majority of the UCMA’s vast manpower and almost all of its fighting soldiers. The average Colonial Legionnaire is reasonably well trained and equipped with basic but well proven kit. These brave men and...



Description Destroyers are the only remnants of a brutal and savage alien race, long since conquered by the Scourge. In much the same manner as the Razorworms, they are now bred specifically as hosts due to their prodigious power and...



Description While 'ordinary' Scourge Destroyers are brutal and dreaded opponents in CQB, Eviscerators are truly terrifying. It is well known that Scourge parasites begin to lose their grip on their host when they reach old age, resulting in aspects of...



Description The Firstborns are unusual amongst the Shaltari, since their spirit still inhabits the original body they were born with. Even as adults, these individuals are impetuous and fiery in the eyes of older Shaltari. Their enthusiasm, bloodlust and recklessness...



Description Freeriders form the backbone of almost any Resistance recon patrol and utilise extremely fast bikes to zip around battlefields and explore behind enemy lines. These vehicles are a wide variety of pre-war civilian models, often with a strong aesthetic...

Description Heavy Hazard Suits were developed for working in extreme conditions on frontier worlds and on the outside hulls of ships. Since 2653, many Heavy Hazard Suits have been used as pickets in areas where hostile aliens and fauna are...

Description Longreach teams are also consummate anti-personnel snipers whenever called to the task, where their high powered weapons represent total overkill against the heaviest infantry armour. They are also equipped with adaptive camouflage cloaks, giving them a measure of concealment...



Description The Immortals are the frontline infantry of the PHR. The combination of prosthetic upgrades and punishing training makes them frighteningly dangerous opponents on the battlefield. A whole series of military-grade artificial enhancements are mandatory for soldiers of the Republic,...

Description Time and again combined arms have been a winning formula on the battlefield. UCM strategists embrace such tactics, and as the Reconquest continues, this mixing of squads provides the most flexible and effective way forward. The UCM AA team...