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Description Deck of 56 full colour Resistance command cards. 40 used for a game - Card options for Feral or Allied. These add flavour to games, and are central to the game's command mechanics. Games may be played without commanders,...

Description The Eagle is essentially a weaponised variant of the condor which scarifies its transport capacity in favour of devastating firepower. The Eagle packs a pair of heavy railguns as well as two independently targeting multi-rocket pods. This allows the...

Description The elegant Eden is the mainstay of Shaltari orbit-ground troop insertion. Unlike the primitive dropships of other races, the Eden utilises teleportation technology to transfer units onboard an orbiting mothership to the battlefield instantaneously. The Eden is lighter and...

Eden's Dinosaur


Description The very existence of this individual has brought into question much of what the UCM thought they knew about Scourge biology. At the time of their invasion, most hosts were the so called 'Lizard Warriors', which were in the...

Description The Enyo Class mounts a pair of RXs-120 smoothbore heavy canons, designed primarily for structure demolition. This Type-2 variant is able to level buildings in minutes with repeated salvos of high explosive shells. It also excels at the obliteration...

Description The Erebos is a high speed attack walker, generally fielded in infiltration and support operations. Its primary role is to harass enemy armour concentrations. It carries an EM field disruption projector, a device which severely disrupts optical and electronic...



Description While 'ordinary' Scourge Destroyers are brutal and dreaded opponents in CQB, Eviscerators are truly terrifying. It is well known that Scourge parasites begin to lose their grip on their host when they reach old age, resulting in aspects of...

Falcon B


Description The Falcon B is a new light gunship variant that builds on the stalwart Falcon chassis. UCM commanders in field – especially those operating in beachhead/first wave situations – have requested more air-to-air cover to support Phoenix command gunships...

Falcon Gunships


Description The Falcon is light ground attack craft, designed for close air support missions. Built around the Raven dropship chassis, the Falcon is able to loiter over the combat zone, presenting a constant threat to enemy ground units. It shares...

Description The Ferrum Class Drone Base is one of the most titanic ground vehicles ever produced by the UCM. It is only manufactured on the world from which it acquired its name, the industrial powerhouse of Ferrum. Like many UCM...

Fire Wagon


Description The fire wagon is unusual in that its primary weapon system is always built from scratch. Sources for giant, car-sized flamethrowers were unfortunately not common in pre-war arsenals! These homemade flamethrowers are uncomplicated and of a standard design, little...

Description Firebird pilots are the some of the most fringe warriors of Shaltari society. They often graduate from Thunderbird craft to the Firebird in a need to fulfil their combative spirit and desire to see the destruction they cause first...