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Description The Thunderbird is a lethal gunship, dedicated to the ground attack role. Its highly distinctive silhouette is reminiscent of stinging insects, an eminently suitable comparison. The Tunderbird features a deadly sting in the form of a short barrel Gauss...

Description The Triton is a multi-role atmospheric flier acting as both a light transport and gunship. Modular weapon systems can be added or removed rapidly, allowing the aircraft to be flexibly equipped at short notice. In its simplest, unarmed capacity...

Description The Triton is a multi-role atmospheric flier acting as both a light transport and gunship. Modular weapon systems can be added or removed rapidly, allowing the aircraft to be flexibly equipped at short notice. In its simplest, unarmed capacity...



Description With the advent of the Reconquest, more and more Resistance armies have come out of the shadows to take the fight to the Great Enemy (and other factions that might get in their way). Operations have been widened in...



Description Officially titled ‘Species SC-23-F’, these flying Scourge creatures have swiftly taken on the moniker of ‘Vampires’ among UCM personnel. In their natural environment they roost in large numbers but are skittish, using their powerful tails, talons and teeth to...

Description The Warspear is a formidably equiped, multi-role heavy fighter. Its primary armament is a pair of heavy ion cannons, giving it awesome air-to-air destructive power. Very few aircraft can withstand a volley from these devastating weapons. It is an...