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Eden's Dinosaur


Description The very existence of this individual has brought into question much of what the UCM thought they knew about Scourge biology. At the time of their invasion, most hosts were the so called 'Lizard Warriors', which were in the...

Falcon B


Description The Falcon B is a new light gunship variant that builds on the stalwart Falcon chassis. UCM commanders in field – especially those operating in beachhead/first wave situations – have requested more air-to-air cover to support Phoenix command gunships...

Falcon Gunships


Description The Falcon is light ground attack craft, designed for close air support missions. Built around the Raven dropship chassis, the Falcon is able to loiter over the combat zone, presenting a constant threat to enemy ground units. It shares...

Description The Ferrum Class Drone Base is one of the most titanic ground vehicles ever produced by the UCM. It is only manufactured on the world from which it acquired its name, the industrial powerhouse of Ferrum. Like many UCM...

Description Firebird pilots are the some of the most fringe warriors of Shaltari society. They often graduate from Thunderbird craft to the Firebird in a need to fulfil their combative spirit and desire to see the destruction they cause first...



Description The Firedrake is a large and lethal gunship which carries the exotic Spatial Disruption Cannon as its primary armament, providing powerful air-ground fire support. This eldritch weapon becomes increasingly dangerous as the Firedrake closes distance with its victims. The...

Gaia Heavy Gate


Description The Gaia represents one of the crowning achievements of Shaltari teleport gate technology. An intricate yet vast marvel of stunning complexity, It is the largest of its kind yet encountered on the battlefields of the 27th century. The Gaia...

Description The Harbinger is large dropship which features heavier armour than the more common Marauder type and is designed primarily for frontal assaults against hardened targets. It is generally employed in situations where nothing but a brutal charge across open...

Description The Intruder is the smallest and fastest of all Scourge dropships and is designed to ferry a range of lighter cargo to the battlefield. It is armed with the same deadly plasma hose as the Marauder, making a large...

J19 Hellhog


Description The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for the ground attack role. It is one of the only fighters operated by the Resistance as its VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) capabilities have allowed it...

Description Karl Foley is possibly the most famous Resistance fighter on all of Eden Prime and certainly the UCM's staunchest ally there. His actions several years ago during his legendary 'Great Gambit' raid were instrumental in bringing the Reconquest to...

Description Luciana Cato began her military service with the UCMF as a Fighter Command ensign aboard the Strike Carrier Richthofen. Aboard the Richthofen, Cato quickly advanced through the ranks and became notorious for her fiery temper, rebellious streak and brilliance...