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Description The Marauder is a lighter version of the Despoiler, and is generally employed at the spearhead of landing forces, getting heavy armour to the front ahead of the main force. It is also often used to deliver smaller, specialised...

Description The Mercury is an unusual battlefield unit, in that it is totally unarmed. Instead, it carries a highly advanced full spectrum sensor package. This is sufficiently advanced to scan structures to assist ground troops in objective and intel searches...

Minder Swarm


Description The Minder is a tiny aerial craft, although it is still exceedingly hazardous to approach. It is atypical of most Scourge units since it fulfils a purely defensive role. Armed with a small version of the deadly Arc Caster,...

Monitor Swarm


Description It is in the inherent Scourge Lifespan that the Monitor’s menace comes to the fore. This is because Monitors are in fact old Minders pushed to the end of their sanity but endless guarding of the skies with little...

Description The Neptune class is the primary tactical orbital insertion dropship of the PHR. With the ability to carry most PHR armoured units and to fulfil a wide range of needs, its flexibility is unmatched by its larger cousin, the...

Description The Njord is a frontline heavy dropship, an aggressive transport created for the express purpose of creating a beachhead position and securing it. It lacks the capacity of the Poseidon – carrying a reduced complement of 4 rather than...



Description The Overseer works in concert with other Scourge forces much more than the Desolator, which seeds wanton destruction everywhere. Instead, it increases the destructive capability and plasma energy of nearby units, creating a more insidious threat. Bizarrely different from...

Description The legions were designed for shock and awe, descending on the cradle worlds without warning and rapidly taking back what belongs to humanity.  The Phoenix is an up-gunned beast. It is a heavy command platform which is always first...

Description The Reaver is a roving predator of the skies with the sole purpose of annihilating enemy ground units. It is armed with a pair of sleek Plasma Lances - which are more flexible and lighter versions of the standard...

Description New operational parameters and a changing landscape have meant new thinking for many UCM designs. The production of the Seraphim Retaliator is a direct response to these changes, most notable in topography and enemy tactics. The Seraphim was originally...

Description The Seraphim is a heavy fighter, designed specifically for strike missions against ground targets. It features a well armoured underbelly, giving it enhanced protection against ground fire. This is just as well, since a typical attack run involves a...

Description The Spirit is the lightest and fastest of all Shaltari Gates, and is primarily utilised for scout and advance infantry insertion. Its considerable speed and small footprint makes it particularly useful for rapid deployment and extraction missions. Its power...