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Description The Colonial Legionnaire Corps commonly makes use of infantry-portable support weapon teams alongside deployments of regular troops. Every Legionnaire is trained to use these weapons, and many secretly hope for a rotation to support duty where they can rain...

Description While little that is known of PHR Siren corps, one thing is very clear; these women are the elite, and exceptionally few in number. However even among the rarest individuals there are exceptional specimens – those whose innate affinity...

Description Even among the toughened fighters of the Resistance, there are battle hardened individuals who have survived the crucible of combat and beaten the odds time and time again. These elite warriors are provided with the best kit available regardless...

Description Praetorian Sniper Teams are elite sharpshooter units, drawn from the already select ranks of the Praetorian special forces. In addition to honing their formidable marksmanship skills, sniper training enhances surveillance and fieldcraft skills, allowing operatives to double as forward...



Description The Praetorian Special Forces are in an entirely different league from standard legionnaires. While their equipment is similar to that utilised by the ordinary infantry, the Praetorians are the epitome of the elite soldier. Ascension to their ranks in...

Description The discovery of the Cradle Worlds and very foundation of the UCM can be traced to the first contact with the Shaltari and their help in exploring the galaxy. However, the less than altruistic designs that the Shaltari apparently...



Description The Razorworm is a merciless predator, a terror of dark places and a living nightmare in chitin, flesh and claws. As a particularly virulent life form, the Scourge maintains breeding stock of these voracious aliens for use as hosts....

Description Almost every Resistance fighter can be considered a veteran, especially when compared to their fresh-faced counterparts in the UCM Legions. These people have lived their entire lives under enemy occupation and fight with grim determination, often holding their ground...



Description Battlefield Engineers have existed since the early 17th century on Earth, and have filled various roles since that time, usually preparing and upgrading defences for protracted sieges. Modern mobile warfare has rendered such set defences largely obsolete, but battlefield...

Scout ATVs


Description Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. So bizarre and esoteric are the constantly changing combinations used that even hyper-advanced Shaltari systems...

Siren Corps


Description The PHR's elite Siren Corps operatives eschew all forms of armour, instead focusing on speed, poise, agility and precision. They normally fight with dual-wielded RXp-44 HV autosensing magnums, delivering death to multiple opponents at different quarters simultaneously, with unerring...



Description The Siren Corps is an elite group of women, capable of utilising the multiple viewpoints of their weapons and their superior training to deadly effect. The ability to make the grade is rare however, owing as much to genetic...