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Thor Bombard


Description The Thor Bombard is rightly named after an ancient Earth Deity of war and thunder. It sports the ‘Mjolnir’ artillery system comprising four multiple launch howitzer barrels firing in synchronised order to carpet the target area in fire and...

Description The Zeus Class is optimised for the command role and features the latest battlefield communications array. It is also equipped with the experimental 'Aegis' energy shield, the only example of such advanced technology to see service with any human...

Fire Wagon


Description The fire wagon is unusual in that its primary weapon system is always built from scratch. Sources for giant, car-sized flamethrowers were unfortunately not common in pre-war arsenals! These homemade flamethrowers are uncomplicated and of a standard design, little...

Gun Technical


Description After almost two centuries of occupation, the Resistance have become highly adept at repairing, modifying and armouring antique vehicles. Car sized weaponised versions are known as ‘technicals’ and are a common sight whenever the Resistance take to the field...

Gun Wagon


Description Gun wagons are usually armed with conventional rapid fire cannons mounted for the anti-air role which offer reasonable rate of fire, acceptable range and excellent reliability. Such weapons are plentiful to most Resistance groups as there are usually more...

Description Jessie Adams is a somewhat unorthodox figure for a military leader. Diminutive in stature and approaching 60, her quiet demeanour hides the mind of a brilliant guerrilla fighter and leader of her people. She commands a group of Resistance...

M20 Zhukov


Description The M20 Zhukov is based on the M9 Hannibal hull and shares its renowned resilience as well as its weaknesses. However, the Zhukov takes the complexity and expense of the M9 to a whole new level. It was only...

M9 Hannibal


Description The M9 Hannibal had been the main battle tank of the prewar armies of humanity for over a quarter of a century before the Scourge invasion. It features a crew of three, exceptional toughness and multiple redundant systems, allowing...

M3 Alexander


Description Few would contest the legend of this vehicle’s namesake, while even less would doubt that this is one of the most formidable battle tanks ever produced by mankind. Virtually every statistic of the M3 is off the charts –...

Description The Mehmed variant of the Hannibal tank was not often fielded in the early stages of the Reconquest with good reason. Created as a siege tank, it was not as versatile as the Hannibal in the early years of...

Description Most battlefields on the Cradle Worlds are urban in nature, often with an intricate maze of tunnels honeycombing the subterranean regions. Architectural planners of the Cradle World cities were determined to preserve some of the beauty of their planets...

MT-90 Jackson


Description The Jackson was one of the most numerous vehicles in service with the pre-war armies of mankind, and despite the appalling losses during the Scourge invasion it remains relatively plentiful today. It was primarily designed as an armoured troop...