Description The being referred to by the UCM as 'Ramses' has been known to humanity for many hundreds of years. Ramses is not his true name but rather one he chose for himself when the very earliest of diplomatic channels...
Description Ronin are the frontline assault troops of the Shaltari. Their primary role is to strike first and from unexpected places. Every one of these individuals lives for nothing but war, an obsession that is all-consuming and unyielding. In battle...
Description Samurai live for the joy of battle, eschewing larger walker or more nimble skimmer vehicles to stride through the warzone in a heavy warsuit. Such units are often made up of secondborn Shaltari, or those who have achieved enough...
Description The Tarantula is a smaller, more agile version of the towering Warstriders. Its primary armament is the highly advanced Gravatic Magnifier (also known simply as the Grav-Cannon). This weapon delivers crushing fore to anything with mass - the larger...
Description The Tomahawk is the mainstay of the Shaltari frontline and their closest equivalent to a battle tank. Unlike these crude behemoths however, the Tomahawk cruises a few feet above the battlefield, giving it awesome speed and manoeuvrability for such...
Description The Totem is a particularly unusual unit, (even for the Shaltari.) It has a crew of one Shaltari, who sits within an armoured chamber at the base of the construct. A Warspire is essentially a towering, immobile emplacement. The...
Description Warchief Isis has only recently entered the awareness of the UCM military high command. She had been known to the diplomatic community for several centuries, although never, it seemed, with the remotest connection to military roles. Recently, she appears...
Description The Yari is the Shaltari's lightest and fastest ground unit. Indeed, it's moves at such a pace that it can compete with some aircraft! The use of advanced comms in addition to this blistering speed makes the Yari an...
Description The Enyo Class mounts a pair of RXs-120 smoothbore heavy canons, designed primarily for structure demolition. This Type-2 variant is able to level buildings in minutes with repeated salvos of high explosive shells. It also excels at the obliteration...
Description The Erebos is a high speed attack walker, generally fielded in infiltration and support operations. Its primary role is to harass enemy armour concentrations. It carries an EM field disruption projector, a device which severely disrupts optical and electronic...
Description The Type-4 chassis Hades Super Heavy Walker is one of the largest frontline ground units yet encountered by the forces of the Reconquest. It is an armoured behemoth of staggering proportions, a pillar of strength and fighting prowess around...
Description The Helios is a high speed attack unit, designed primarily to hunt down enemy aircraft. While somewhat less manoeuvrable than the true skimmers employed by the Shaltari and the Scourge, it can still use its speed to great effect...