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Fire Wagon


Description The fire wagon is unusual in that its primary weapon system is always built from scratch. Sources for giant, car-sized flamethrowers were unfortunately not common in pre-war arsenals! These homemade flamethrowers are uncomplicated and of a standard design, little...

Description The Fireblade is based on the same chassis as the Katana and features the same increased speed as its sister. Unlike the Katata, the Fireblade has a very specific battlefield role; to expunge enemy infantry from structures with its...

Description General Wade is one of the rare breed of UCMA officers with decades worth of real, frontline experience. His experience and leadership style makes General Wade a formidable asset to the UCMA whenever precision strikes are preferred to massed...

Description Speed and power have always been the watchwords of the Shaltari tribes. The Gharial embraces both ideals in one command package, taking the fight to the enemy, dealing maximum damage and then relocating to sow more destruction elsewhere. Based...

Description The Gladius heavy battle tank is the armoured fist of the UCM, a large, resilient vehicle capable of taking on the toughest of opponents. It sports a pair of UM-100 'Avenger' railguns on a folding turret armature, giving it...

Gun Technical


Description After almost two centuries of occupation, the Resistance have become highly adept at repairing, modifying and armouring antique vehicles. Car sized weaponised versions are known as ‘technicals’ and are a common sight whenever the Resistance take to the field...

Gun Wagon


Description Gun wagons are usually armed with conventional rapid fire cannons mounted for the anti-air role which offer reasonable rate of fire, acceptable range and excellent reliability. Such weapons are plentiful to most Resistance groups as there are usually more...

Description The Type-4 chassis Hades Super Heavy Walker is one of the largest frontline ground units yet encountered by the forces of the Reconquest. It is an armoured behemoth of staggering proportions, a pillar of strength and fighting prowess around...

Description The Haven utilises the same Gate technology featured in Shaltari dropship equivalents, but on the frame of a ground vehicle. As such, the Haven roughly equates to the APC's used by other races. Like its airborne cousin the Spirit,...

Description The Helios is a high speed attack unit, designed primarily to hunt down enemy aircraft. While somewhat less manoeuvrable than the true skimmers employed by the Shaltari and the Scourge, it can still use its speed to great effect...

Description The Hunter is a formidable frontline armoured unit, the Scourge's closest equivalent to a main battle tank. Unlike its more primitive counterparts, the Hunter employs an advanced Anti-Grav repulsion drive to float several feet above the battlefield. This allows...

Description This Type-2 variant is equipped with the lethal RX-1000 'Sunspear' battlefield laser. It can destroy enemy armour from beyond the effective range of return fire, allowing it to operate with virtual impunity. Type 2 battle walkers are considerably heavier...