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Description The Albatross is the primary mass orbital insertion craft of the UCM. It has been designed solely to drop the largest number of vehicles to the battlefield with the maximum of efficiency. As such, it eschews heavy armour in...



Description The Annihilator is a towering artillery walker of titanic proportions. Armed with the awesome Plasma Bombard, the Annihilator can decimate enemy units from a longer range than almost anything else in the Scourge armoury. Annihilators are only brought to...

Description The Apollo is a high speed attack walker, generally fielded in flanking, interdiction or expeditionary operations where heavier walkers would be unsuitable. The Apollo is particularly adept at this role, since it is equipped with jump jets, allowing it...

Description The Angelos is a multi-role fast strike vehicle. Although somewhat similar in performance to the anti-grav craft employed by alien races, The Angelos is not a true skimmer. Instead, it relies on miniaturised thrusters to keep it aloft and...

Description As the PHR become more embroiled in outright conflict on the Cradle Worlds, more intelligence is being gathered about their war engines and constructs. Given their frightening efficiency and hit and run tactics, it has taken this long for...

Description The Aether is a highly advanced jetskimmer type unit based on the standard Helios chassis. While the Helios is aggressive and flexible, the Aether is best used carefully and from a concealed position, where its indirect fire capability can...

AH-16 Cyclone


Description The AH-16 Cyclone is a dedicated attack helicopter, designed solely for dealing swift annihilation to ground targets. It is extremely large compared to its modern UCM equivalent, the Falcon Gunship, and requires a crew of two to operate. Such...

Description The Archangel is a thoroughbred air-to-air interceptor, designed solely for air superiority missions. It is a small aircraft, built around a pair of conventional ‘Retribution’ 40mm cannons, leading to the moniker ‘The Last Gunfighter’. These are devastating at close...

Description The Ares Class is the most common Type-1 variant encountered by UCM forces. It mounts a fearsome RX-1 railgun in conjunction with an advanced scanning array. The legendary mobility of the Type 1 chassis allows this destructive weapon to...

AT-77 Lifthawk


Description The AT-77 Lifthawk was the most ubiquitous aerial transport vehicle of the pre-war years and many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular and robust VTOL design has made it possible to operate this workhorse from almost...

Attack ATVs


Description Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards...

Description The Athena is a formidably armed, multi-role heavy fighter. Powerful and well armoured, a single Athena can be more than a match for several lesser interceptors in the hands of a skilled pilot. Its primary mission profile is air...