Description The elegant Eden is the mainstay of Shaltari orbit-ground troop insertion. Unlike the primitive dropships of other races, the Eden utilises teleportation technology to transfer units onboard an orbiting mothership to the battlefield instantaneously. The Eden is lighter and...
Description The Firedrake is a large and lethal gunship which carries the exotic Spatial Disruption Cannon as its primary armament, providing powerful air-ground fire support. This eldritch weapon becomes increasingly dangerous as the Firedrake closes distance with its victims. The...
Description The Gaia represents one of the crowning achievements of Shaltari teleport gate technology. An intricate yet vast marvel of stunning complexity, It is the largest of its kind yet encountered on the battlefields of the 27th century. The Gaia...
Description The Haven utilises the same Gate technology featured in Shaltari dropship equivalents, but on the frame of a ground vehicle. As such, the Haven roughly equates to the APC's used by other races. Like its airborne cousin the Spirit,...
Description The Spirit is the lightest and fastest of all Shaltari Gates, and is primarily utilised for scout and advance infantry insertion. Its considerable speed and small footprint makes it particularly useful for rapid deployment and extraction missions. Its power...