Description The Archangel is a thoroughbred air-to-air interceptor, designed solely for air superiority missions. It is a small aircraft, built around a pair of conventional ‘Retribution’ 40mm cannons, leading to the moniker ‘The Last Gunfighter’. These are devastating at close...
Description The Athena is a formidably armed, multi-role heavy fighter. Powerful and well armoured, a single Athena can be more than a match for several lesser interceptors in the hands of a skilled pilot. Its primary mission profile is air...
Description New operational parameters and a changing landscape have meant new thinking for many UCM designs. The production of the Seraphim Retaliator is a direct response to these changes, most notable in topography and enemy tactics. The Seraphim was originally...
Description The Seraphim is a heavy fighter, designed specifically for strike missions against ground targets. It features a well armoured underbelly, giving it enhanced protection against ground fire. This is just as well, since a typical attack run involves a...
Description The Corsair is a small, agile interceptor craft armed with a single, powerful plasma canon. Unusually for a fighter, this features a very low rate of fire. However, an impact from this anti tank weapon is almost always fatal...
Description The Warspear is a formidably equiped, multi-role heavy fighter. Its primary armament is a pair of heavy ion cannons, giving it awesome air-to-air destructive power. Very few aircraft can withstand a volley from these devastating weapons. It is an...
Description The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for the ground attack role. It is one of the only fighters operated by the Resistance as its VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) capabilities have allowed it...
Description Karl Foley is possibly the most famous Resistance fighter on all of Eden Prime and certainly the UCM's staunchest ally there. His actions several years ago during his legendary 'Great Gambit' raid were instrumental in bringing the Reconquest to...