Description The Njord is a frontline heavy dropship, an aggressive transport created for the express purpose of creating a beachhead position and securing it. It lacks the capacity of the Poseidon – carrying a reduced complement of 4 rather than...
Description The Triton is a multi-role atmospheric flier acting as both a light transport and gunship. Modular weapon systems can be added or removed rapidly, allowing the aircraft to be flexibly equipped at short notice. In its simplest, unarmed capacity...
Description The Triton is a multi-role atmospheric flier acting as both a light transport and gunship. Modular weapon systems can be added or removed rapidly, allowing the aircraft to be flexibly equipped at short notice. In its simplest, unarmed capacity...
Description The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for the ground attack role. It is one of the only fighters operated by the Resistance as its VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) capabilities have allowed it...
Description Karl Foley is possibly the most famous Resistance fighter on all of Eden Prime and certainly the UCM's staunchest ally there. His actions several years ago during his legendary 'Great Gambit' raid were instrumental in bringing the Reconquest to...
Description With the advent of the Reconquest, more and more Resistance armies have come out of the shadows to take the fight to the Great Enemy (and other factions that might get in their way). Operations have been widened in...