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Description It is the year 2672, a time of war on a galactic scale. The mighty battlefleets of the United Colonies of Mankind are ranged against those of the alien Scourge, vile overlords of humanity's once great homelands – the...

UCM Cruiser Box


Description Cruisers are the most common size of capital ship and form the backbone of almost every fleet fighting in the Reconquest. They offer an excellent and flexible combination of speed, firepower and versatility. The standard cruiser hull is so...

UCM Frigate Box


Description Frigates are small, fast combat vessels designed primarily for flanking and first strike missions. They are the most common fighting ship type present in most fleets in the Reconquest. Some variants also provide vital support roles complementing the efforts...

Description Forged in desperation, united by adversity and resurgent in power, the UCM exists for a single purpose - to wrest mankind's lost strongholds from the clutches of the Scourge. A collection of diverse and remote frontier worlds, the UCM...

Description The Scourge are foul, neuro-parasitic lifeforms which can utterly dominate an unfortunate host, bending its life to its will. They thrive on the conquest and absorption of other races, their very mode of existence as potent a threat as...

Description A tiny portion of humanity turned its back on mankind in the waning days of the last Golden Age. Over one and a half centuries later, the PHR has emerged from the shadows as an unrecognisable civilisation, its people...

Description The Shaltari are an ancient and highly developed species. Their technology is advanced to a level of sophistication rivalled only by its potency. They have traversed the stars for millennia, learned myriad truths, and have fought countless wars. Through...